Personal Injury: 3 Types Of Personal Information You Must Disclose To Your Attorney

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When filing a personal injury case, you can usually expect your case to reach a settlement rather than to go to trial. In fact, only 4% to 5% of cases end up going to trial. To ensure that you are in the best position to reach a reasonable settlement, you must be as honest with your attorney as possible and disclose personal information that might be harmful to your case. You don’t want your attorney to be caught off guard.…

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5 Tips To Protect Your Dog From Euthanasia If They Have Attacked Someone

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When your dog bites another dog or a person, you may have to deal with civil charges, criminal charges, and animal charges. Civil charges involve the injured party suing you to cover their medical expenses and suffering. However, legal action may be avoided by offering to pay their medical expenses from the beginning. Criminal charges may be brought if it is determined that you caused the attack or were overly negligent.…

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Medical Marijuana Travel Tips

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If you have a serious and chronic illness that is difficult to treat or that produces a great deal of pain, then medical marijuana may be the solution to your ailment. If you live in one of the 23 states that allows for medical marijuana, then you can ask your physician or a pain specialist for a prescription. Once you start using the drug, you will most likely want to stay on the right side of the law.…

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4 Reasons You Might Need A Tax Attorney

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When it comes to government agencies that you absolutely do not want to deal with, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ranks among the most feared. There are numerous reasons why you don’t want to deal with the IRS, but among the most common reasons to avoid their wrath is that of a tax audit. However, there are various other reasons that you should not incur the pain of having to deal with the IRS.…

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Medical Negligence Personal Injury Cases: The Learned Intermediary Doctrine As A Liability Shield For Pharmaceutical Companies

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Medications have revolutionized the health industry, and help patients maintain and control various aspects of their health. Despite the numerous benefits that medications offer, 100,000 Americans die each year from prescription drugs – not from taking the wrong dose or the wrong drug, but simply due to side effects. Patients who are victims of side effects of taking a particular drug, and were not warned ahead of time have a right to legal compensation.…

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How To Know If A Business May Be Negligent In Your Slip And Fall Accident Injury

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Stores and places-of-business have a responsibility to maintain a safe environment for their customers. However, it isn’t always cut-and-dry whether or not a business is at-fault for a given accident. Below is more information to help you understand when a business may be negligent if someone is injured on their premises: Assigning blame for a slip and fall accident Slip and fall accidents within a store or place-of-business are commonplace, but assigning blame from a legal standpoint isn’t always easy to determine.…

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Got A Camera Phone? What You Can And Can't Record At The Accident Scene

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Your cell phone’s camera is more than just a way to take selfies. It’s also a valuable weapon in securing evidence for your auto accident case. If you’re ever in an accident on the road, you can use your camera phone to take snapshots of the condition of the road, as well as the condition of your car or truck after the accident. But there are other things you can and can’t record with your camera phone at the accident scene.…

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Tips For Paying The Bills While You Wait For A Disability Decision

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If you’re starting an application for Social Security Disability, it can be an intimidating process. In addition to the paperwork and the unpredictable review times, you might find yourself struggling with how to make ends meet during the mandatory five-month waiting period before your benefits can begin. Since there’s no guaranteed review time or benefit deadline, it’s up to you to find other sources of income while you’re waiting. In addition to talking with your Social Security Disability attorney about your options, here are a few things you can consider.…

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2 Ways To Damage Your Social Security Disability Case

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After suffering a life-altering illness or injury, you might find yourself unable to work. Although it can be easy to think that you are destined to a life of poverty, you might be eligible for disability benefits if you have paid social security taxes throughout your previous years of employment. However, you might unintentionally destroy your ability to gain this benefit by making a few bad decisions. Here are two ways to damage your social security disability case, and what you can do to streamline the process:…

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Driving While Drowsy? What Should You Do?

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Whether you’re returning from a long drop off or simply going about your daily, around-town commute, you may occasionally find yourself feeling perilously sleepy while behind the wheel. In many cases, rolling down the window, turning up the radio, or taking a sip of coffee is enough to propel you into wakefulness. However, in other cases, you may be in grave danger of falling asleep behind the wheel – which risks injuring or even killing yourself and others.…

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